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Aging With Grace notes

Gaili Schoen
Feb 5, 2015
Finger painting (Improvising, part 2)
Hello Piano Lovers: Today I’d like to delve further into the question, why should we improvise? Firstly, if you...

Gaili Schoen
Feb 4, 2015
Improvising part 1 Dear Piano Friends: Today I would like to begin exploring the possibility of you improvising. Don’t panic. A...

Gaili Schoen
Feb 3, 2015
Playing Piano for Brain Health Today I saw the film, Still Alice, starring Julianne Moore as a 50-year-old professor suffering from a rare type...

Gaili Schoen
Feb 2, 2015
THE BEST WAYS TO PRACTICE using the latest brain research
Recent studies showing how the brain acquires and stores new information can revolutionize our practice habits. Using these new findings,...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 31, 2015
Sleep On It I have a brilliant former student named Brendan Cohn-Sheehy with whom I consult on my music and the brain...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 30, 2015
7 Moving Pieces (For Sadness) Sadness is an inevitable part of life. Though we sometimes wish we could be happy all of the time, it is moments...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 28, 2015
7 Moving Pieces (For Anger) Why would we want to listen to angry music? When we’re feeling mad we want to connect with something that...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 27, 2015
7 Moving Pieces (For Happiness) Some music just puts a smile on your face. Whether you need cheering up or whether you just want to hear music...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 26, 2015
7 Moving Pieces (For Inspiration) Dear Friends: I sometimes turn to moving music to get me through a difficult time, or to reflect my feelings of...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 25, 2015
Musical Endings Today I would like to talk about musical endings. In his wonderful book Things I Overheard While Talking To...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 24, 2015
Beginnings Part of being mindful in our lives is taking the time to think about how we will begin and end things. When I...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 23, 2015
7 SMART SNACKS! The latest food studies show that WALNUTS are at the top of the list of “brain foods.” Researchers at the David...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 22, 2015
Chords If you study piano with me, you learn and practice chords. Chords are the foundation of all music (except for...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 21, 2015
Egoless, part 2 Today I am continuing on with some of the lessons I learned from my piano teacher, Mildred Portney Chase, and...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 19, 2015
Invisibilia On Friday NPR premiered a new show called Invisibilia, “…a series about the invisible forces that shape human behavior.” This...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 17, 2015
Great New Finger Exercise Today I want to show you a new exercise I have adapted from an exercise by Theodore Leschetizky [lesh-uh–tit-ske...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 16, 2015
Lingering on the Fingering One day when I was perusing a charming used book shop in London, I came upon this prize of a book, written in...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 14, 2015
Pledge to Play 10 Minutes A Day
Pledge To Play 10 Minutes A Day Today we start our pledge to play 10 minutes a day, for 30 days. Even if you can’t commit to playing...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 9, 2015
PLEDGE TO PLAY: 10 MINUTES A DAY! Dear Piano Lovers! I love that January is the time of year for new goals and added resolve. If you are reading...

Gaili Schoen
Nov 6, 2013
Highly Successful People Say Musical Training Impacted Achievements The NY Times recently ran an article called “Is Music The Key To Success?” The author, Joanne Lipman showed that...
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