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Aging With Grace notes

Gaili Schoen
Jan 25, 2015
Musical Endings Today I would like to talk about musical endings. In his wonderful book Things I Overheard While Talking To...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 24, 2015
Beginnings Part of being mindful in our lives is taking the time to think about how we will begin and end things. When I...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 22, 2015
Chords If you study piano with me, you learn and practice chords. Chords are the foundation of all music (except for...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 16, 2015
Lingering on the Fingering One day when I was perusing a charming used book shop in London, I came upon this prize of a book, written in...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 14, 2015
Pledge to Play 10 Minutes A Day
Pledge To Play 10 Minutes A Day Today we start our pledge to play 10 minutes a day, for 30 days. Even if you can’t commit to playing...

Gaili Schoen
Jan 9, 2015
PLEDGE TO PLAY: 10 MINUTES A DAY! Dear Piano Lovers! I love that January is the time of year for new goals and added resolve. If you are reading...

Gaili Schoen
Oct 14, 2013
ROUTINES We have hosted several month-long Pledge To Play: 10 Minutes A Day challenges. If you joined us, what I hope you...

Gaili Schoen
Oct 12, 2013
Your Music Is A Gift My parents are very social people. When I was growing up they had monthly couples’ poker games and dinner clubs....

Gaili Schoen
Oct 10, 2013
MUSICALITY Musicality is the answer to the question, “How do we turn the notes on the page into music?” It is generally...

Gaili Schoen
Oct 7, 2013
Have A Plan!
© Francisco Javier Alcerreca Gomez If you are taking piano lessons, having a practice plan could help you to reach your musical goals...

Gaili Schoen
Oct 2, 2013
Sometimes we say, “Nobody’s perfect,” but do we REALLY embrace that? Do you actually accept yourself as you are? Do you accept your...

Gaili Schoen
Sep 26, 2013
If you are my piano student, then you review a piece at the end of each lesson, as time permits. Although piano teachers are always...

Gaili Schoen
Sep 25, 2013
CULTIVATING INTUITION / PLAYING WITH EYES CLOSED Sometimes the best way to learn a difficult passage in your music is by practicing with your eyes closed. I...

Gaili Schoen
Sep 19, 2013
There is some controversy in music education circles about when metronomes are useful and effective. My feeling is that metronomes can be...
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