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My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose – Free Sheet Music for Robert Burns Day!

Today is the birthday of Scotland’s beloved national poet, Robert Burns. In the UK they celebrate with Burns Suppers in which people read his gorgeous poetry, sing his songs, wear 18th Century costumes, hold parades and dances, and eat haggis 😆. His most famous song lyrics are Auld Lang Syne which we sing on New Year’s Eve, and My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. I have posted free sheet music for My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose for February, the month of 💘 love💘. But since it in Robert Burns Day I wanted to offer it to you today! I arranged this beautiful folk song for intermediate piano, but if you are a beginner you can play just the top note of the melody (right hand) lines, and the bottom note of the accompaniment (left hand) lines. Click below to print your sheet music from my website. When you click you will find the sheet music at the bottom, right on my free sheet music page. (Available until the end of January 2023, so print now!)

Notice that the introduction starts with both hands playing in the treble staff, then the left hand moves to the bass staff in the last measure of the first line. In the last line of the piece, the left hand once again moves to treble, then back to bass in the last measure of the piece.

I am playing at a slow tempo for demonstration purposes but you can play it at an Andante (moderate walking) tempo once you are comfortable with the notes. Notice that I also played it a bit Rubato – slowing down for expressiveness in various measures, and I used my damper pedal to smooth out the phrases.

I hope you enjoy playing My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose throughout 💌 February 💌 , and especially today, Robert Burns Day! We celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in a big way here in the USA, but because fewer Scots immigrated here, they don’t get their cultural due! You might have guessed that I am a great lover of Scotland- the music, the food (ok Haggis not so much), the dance, the people, the accent, the humor and the stunning countryside. I hope someday to explore more of the highlands and islands of Scotland, but for now I can take my journey vicariously through song.

With love and music, Gaili

P.S. If you are new to this blog, welcome! I post free sheet music every month, arranged for beginning to intermediate piano students, plus practice tips and worksheets (see the sidebar for previous posts ➡️ ; most music is posted for just 1 year). I have written piano instruction books for adults over 50 (UpperHandsPiano.com), younger adults and teens (PianoPowered.com), Songs of the Seasons piano sheet music books for seasonal classical and popular favorites, and my latest piano/guitar/vocals books called The Music Remedy – sheet music collections to restore and revitalize the spirit. Check out my books on the websites above, or click below to view them on Amazon.com.


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